Machine Knitter's Treasure Chest
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Machine knitting techniques
Techniques and videos by machine brand and subject matter
= video
Machine-specific techniques and information:
Bond rag hem
Bond videos
Cheryl Brunette TV - Bond and handknitting videos
Cleaning the USM
Creating a cast on comb
option 1
, option 2
part 1
part 2
Creating tools for the USM
Creating weights for the USM
Ewrap cast on
How do I get started?
Slip stitch on the Bond
Two carriage fair-isle on the Bond
Welcome to the USM
USM lesson 2 - setting up
USM lesson 3 - start knitting
USM lesson 4 - set up tips
USM lesson 5 - carriage tips
USM lesson 6 - fixing a dropped stitch
USM lesson 7 - ripping out a row
USM lesson 8 - knitting edge stitches
USM lesson 9 - knitting helpline
USM lesson 10 - more stitch work
USM lesson 11 - increasing
USM lesson 12 - decreasing
USM lesson 13 - more tips
USM lesson 14 - chain stitch cast off
USM lesson 15 - back stitch cast off
USM lesson 16 - closed edge cast on (e-wrap)
USM lesson 17 - ribbing
USM lesson 18 - lace or eyelet stitch
USM lesson 19 - fairisle
USM lesson 20 - cable
USM lesson 21 - picture knitting (intarsia)
USM lesson 22 - helpline
What types of yarn can I use?
Why do stitches sometimes drop?
Why is my machine jamming?
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Basic tour of the Brother 970 console
Brother Knitleader
Brother ribber and DBJ settings
Brother motor drive
CK35 in action
Brother vs Knitking conversion chart
Double bed colour changer
Easy brioche stitch
Favourite lace videos
Garter carriage in action
Garter carriage on speed
Hacking the Brother 930e
How to cast on and off
Inputting larger pattern into KH940
Inputting pattern into KH940
Lace without a lace carriage
Learn how to cast on
Installing the ribber
Intarsia on a knitting machine
Knitting machine set up
part 1,
part 2
KRC1000e Electronic colour changer
Pile knitting on a Brother *NEW*
Pile knitting on a Brother bulky machine
Programming a name
Repairing dropped g-carriage stitches
Reversible double jacquard
Ribber brackets for Brother/Knitking machine
Ribber transfer carriage
The formstricker (knitleader)
Threading your knitting machine
Turning up a hem with the cast on comb (Portuguese)
Using a punchcard carriage on an electronic bed
Using the Brother cartridge
Using the Brother garter carriage
Using the FB7 cable and your Brother machine
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Casting on and using the Studio electronic machines
Changing the front foot of an SK150
Downsizing paper patterns for SSR knit radar or Passap Forma
Extending the LK150 knitting machine
Faster fairisle on the LK150
FC6 fairisle carriage on an LK150 *NEW*
How to install the SR860 ribber
How to start using an SK280 *NEW*
How to thread a Silver knitting machine
Installing the SR155 ribber
Knitmaster 4500 stitch patterns - 192 videos
Lattice ripple lace on Silver Reed
LK150 two colour slip
LK150 manual slip
Patterning on the SK155
Point cams and N1 cams
Quick guide to pattern knitting with the EC1
Ravel cord cast on for LK150
SC3 Linker
SK150/1 fairisle
SK155 punchcards and their uses
SK890 EC1 workbook - a supplementary manual
Studio AW1 weaving arm
Studio/Silver electronic card reader
Transferring patterns from DAK8 to PC10
Transferring patterns from DAK8 to PE1
Understanding the Singer SK-580
What is EC1
What is PE1
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Binding off around imaginary gate pegs
Broken Toe Cast On Steps for 8ply-ish on the E6000 *NEW*
Circular knitted cardigan bands
Hanging the Passap comb
How to use a decker comb
Knitting a four colour DBJ design from DAK
Knitting a furry worm trim on the Passap
Passap 1 - threading the machine
Passap 2 - casting on in 1x1 rib
Passap 3 - transferring stitches from rib to stockinette
Passap 4 - increasing and decreasing
Passap cast off
Passap E6000 instructional video -
part 1,
part 2,
part 3,
part 4,
part 5,
part 6,
part 7,
part 8,
part 9,
part 10,
part 11,
part 12,
part 13,
part 14
Passap E6000 reassembly (Lcoknits)
Passap needle rule
Passap raglan decreases
Passap simple single bed cast on
Picking up dropped stitches
Stitch pattern A & B (lcoknits)
Tensions and stitch sizes for Passaps
Threading up the E6000 (Lcoknits)
Threading up the E6000 (
U100E Transfer tool
Use your computer controlled die-cutter to cut your own Deco punchcards
Using Passap E6000 electronic cast on
Various Passap videos
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